Expanding ideas for impactful change
in Arts and Culture

Open Top Creativity, Inc. provides strategic planning, program design, coaching, and facilitation to non-profits, arts, education and community organizations.

At the center of the Open Top Creativity approach is a commitment to building the capacity of others through authentic collaboration and inclusive participatory engagement in order to create strategies that have a positive impact.


An engaging and participatory approach designed to harness the group’s creativity and collective wisdom to produce and implement inclusive well thought out plans.


Through inquiry-based coaching and facilitation, we assist clients in creating new possibilities and discovering their own solutions.


Supporting arts organizations, school districts and school sites with implementing equitable and creative approaches to teaching, learning, and program design.



Kimberleigh has the unique combination of creative problem solving skills, an effective team player while bringing out the best in others. And all the while as a serious and successful artist.

Linda Johannesen, Entrepreneur and Investor

Kimberleigh is a dynamic workshop facilitator and coach. Her passion for theatre and arts education is infectious. Her supportive and encouraging coaching style inspired me to constantly aim higher and move outside of my comfort zone. I have no doubt that the work I am doing as an arts educator today is a direct result of her mentor-ship. She is incredibly generous with her time, always welcoming us to reach out to her with questions, feedback, and career advice. Her warmth and genuinely positive attitude create an environment ripe for discovery, growth, and community building. She is truly a master of her craft.

France-Luce Benson

I have had the ongoing honor of working with Kimberleigh Aarn on the Teaching Artist Program at The Actors Fund through a collaboration with Sony.  Kimberleigh is professional, dedicated, compassionate, knowledgeable, kind, patient, and a true expert in her field.  I give this wonderful individual my highest recommendation.

Ross Berg, M.S. , The Actors Fund

Kimberleigh lends insight, compassion and expertise to the many arts education projects that she is involved in around Los Angeles, County. She brings a focused, calming energy to her work. She’s a pleasure to work with!

Faith Childs Davis Ed.D.

“As an alum of the Teaching Artist Intensive through The Actor’s Fund, I can attest that Kimberleigh’s insight and experience creating curriculum and navigating the arts and culture landscape in LA is second to none. She is an enormous gift to all those she instructs, connects, mentors, and inspires.

When my freelance journey took me further into serving arts and social justice nonprofits through Corporate Relations and Fundraising Consulting, Kimberleigh encouraged me to examine my scope of work and to request appropriate compensation for my skillset.  Not only did her mentorship help me to re-envision my skills within categories for my scope of work, but my strategic proposal to a client was also board approved within a week.  Kimberleigh’s affirmation of my merit gave me the courage to ask for my value and receive my worth.  Now I know I can grow my consultancy and truly embody the growth mindset I protect for my clients!”

Christy Lamb, Christy Lamb Consulting